Well, I didn't get the Riley grill. The seller sent me the email below, and
I responded by offering him the B#25 off ebay. He responded that he now
wanted B#30, so I backed away. He's pulled it from the auction now (where I
high bidder) so I guess he got a better offer.
I'd feel better about it if he's kissed me.
Hi Robert,
About 9 b 10 pounds weight including packing materials. I should say
however, that I have received quite a reasonable offer for the Grille off e bay
a private advert. Unless the bidding gets to about B#25 plus I will probably
cancel the auction prior to its close.
Robert Houston
Texan in New Mexico
There is a general place in your brain, I think, reserved for 'melancholy of
relationships past.' It grows and prospers as life progresses, forcing you
finally, against your better judgment, to listen to country music.
- Kary Mullis
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From "VDP1750" <VDP1750 at yahoo.co.uk>
To: <RBHouston@aol.com>
Subject: RE: Question from eBay Member: Riley 1.5 Rad Grille Complete
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:47:24 +0100
Importance: Normal
Hi Robert,
About 9 10 pounds weight including packing materials. I should say
however, that I have received quite a reasonable offer for the Grille off e
bay from a private advert. Unless the bidding gets to about #25 plus I will
probably cancel the auction prior to its close.
-----Original Message-----
From RBHouston at aol.com [mailto:RBHouston@aol.com]
Sent: 14 April 2004 00:35
To: VDP1750@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Re: Question from eBay Member: Riley 1.5 Rad Grille Complete
Can you give me a weight so I can calculate the postage?
Robert Houston
Texan in New Mexico
There is a general place in your brain, I think, reserved for 'melancholy of
relationships past.' It grows and prospers as life progresses, forcing you
finally, against your better judgment, to listen to country music.
- Kary Mullis