So I should convert my car to RHD to even things out? ;-)
Seriously, though. I haven't checked for a broken leaf yet, though I am
assuming there's a problem in the rear springs, given the weird behavior
on my drive. When your car had the driver's side droop, did the rear
feel squirelly, or did it drive fine and just look uneven?
Chris King
<-----Original Message----->
From Guy Weller
Sent: 4/10/2004 3:02:30 PM
Subject: Re: Leaf speings
that is about the difference that I had at the back, except as I am in
UK it was the left side that was high. I tried swapping the rear springs
over which made no difference. What eventually sorted it was to adjust
front, not the rear. The rear end then levelled up nicely.
OTOH, did you look really closely for a broken leaf?
----- Original Message -----
From "Chris King"
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:52 PM
Subject: Leaf speings
> Well, I measured from the ground to the wheel lip, got 20 3/4 on the
> left side and 21 1/2 on the right.
> -=Chris