I love it when a plan works out...so far that is. As I mentioned in an
earlier post, my new 175/70x13 Yokohamas on the new 5.5 inch Dayton wires were
rubbing on sharp bumps and right hand turns. It was scraping the RWArch, and I
was a victim of the dreaded driver side droop, not to mention the extra lbs I
carry...hitting about 260 at my last weigh in.
So, shopping at my handy Checker Auto yesterday, I find a "helper spring" in
the trailer parts. Two leaves about 16" long, one for each side. I just
installed the drivers side. It attaches with a U bolt near the rear axle and a
tin bracket with a nylon block at the rear. These just barely fit a spridget,
and I had to hacksaw off the extra u bolt that would have interferred with the
emergency brake.
It makes the drivers side about 1/4th inch higher than the passenger, which I
am assuming will settle out about even eventually and anyway, when I sit in
it I'm sure it is a bit lower on my side...BUT, no more scrapes! Handles like
the proverbiable go kart now.
Best $28 I've spent in a while. I haven't had a passenger since I put the
new tires and wheels on, so I don't know if I'll add the passenger side helper
or not.
Yeah I know, not concours or terribly professional, but shade tree works
sometimes too!
Robert Houston
Texan in New Mexico
73 Midget
"I'm not all that sold on the idea of becoming the poor man's Cher" J. Joplin