--- Frank Clarici <spritenut@exit109.com> wrote:
> Let's see, what have I learned about Sprites in
> 2004....
I learned some stuff too.
1) After draining tranny oil over night, putting the
plug back in before you refill keeps the oil in
2) If you don't measure it, and eyeball the mounting
instead, the Winner's Circle panhard rod grows 2
inches longer than it looks., even in full retract on
the eyeball fittings.
3) If the previous owner of your race car wires it
himself, he will simplify ot greatly by making all the
wires red. You will curse him the first time you have
to rewire something (2003), but because you are in
such a great rush, you don't label anything, figuring
you'll do it tomorrow, and you'll remember what went
where. A year later, you get to repeat the entire
scenario (2004).
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