the cherry picker they speak of is a small service crane, no taller
than an average man.
if you got a farm and fleet nearby theyre pretty cheap, otherwise
autozone has em for around 250. for that price you get one that folds
up and takes a foot print of about 2' x 3'
--- Guy Weller <> wrote:
> Several have mentioned using a Cherry Picker to remove an engine.
> Are we talking the same thing? It seems a rather an over-specified
> piece of
> equipment for removing LBC engines!
> To me a Cherry Picker is an industrial-type access machine which
> consists of a
> platform or basket on an extending hyraulic or electrically operated
> arm.
> The basket typically takes one or two men and the 3-dimensional
> movement is
> controlled from the basket by a control panel. Large self propelled
> ones will
> raise the basket to well over 100, or more (as used by fire services
> in some
> areas) but even the small trailered ones will lift the platform to 25
> feet
> plus.
> I guess it would do the job but it dosn't seem like the sort of
> equipment that
> many people just have lying around the place.
> Guy
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