You see, the secret is, to be a jerk, ALOT!!
That way, when you do something nice, even if it isn't
much, it is appreciated FAR MORE then it really would
have been otherwise.............
Come up tomorrow, Slobberbone is playing in Ft. Worth
again. It is at the Wreck Room, where we went last time.
We can go out for Mexican food before the show.
Bree Anna wrote:
> Brad,
> Somtimes you make me want to wring your neck
> and then you go and do something so thoughtful
> it makes me want to hug you to death! I got
> the BOX, I just came home to eat really quick
> adn before I left for work I just wanted
> you to know I got the BOX and THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!
> I love them...
> Now, if you would surprise me with a little
> car I would even loveeeeeeeeeeeee it more! ;)
> Surely Martha wouldnt mind...;) ,,,,,ok ok, I
> know when I have gone too lol
> Again thank you soooooo much!
> Bree!