I am still waiting on the hub, for my Les Leston wheel, to put it into the
larryrex wrote:
> That would be correct.
> On Ebay the seller request payment in what
> ever form they choose, not the buyer.
> The seller should also figure out what he or she
> can either cash or deposit not the buyer.
> They ask for international, and you send it
> then the monkeys on their back.
> Not all International M. O. are honored in every country. It's necessary
> to verify that when purchasing them from the Post Office. I believe the
> U. S. Post Office does not have money orders for every country. Hence
> the need to sometimes chance it with cash.
> jay fishbein
> wallingford, ct
> http://home.ix.netcom.com/~type79/ <http://home.ix.netcom.com/%7Etype79/>
> larryrex wrote:
> > The prick requested payment by money-order
> > therefore i sent a United states international
> > pink postal money order.