Thanks to all for the quick answers. In a moment of "DUH" and aggravation I
just didn't completely walk through the troubleshooting process. Somehow
the dizzy got rotated and the plug wires moved around on the cap. Might
have been one of the cats pissed at me for kicking them out of "their"
midget. ;-). Anyway she now will fire up no problem on starter spray but
won't keep running. I think I have narrowed it down to some type of fuel or
SU problem.
Tonight's SU cleaning included:
1. Thorough cleaning with carb cleaner.
2. Remove old fuel from the bowls and replaced with new.
3. Made sure the floats "float" and don't stick.
4. Cleaned surface rust off of the needle.
5. Cleaned the dampers.
6. Cleaned the passages from the bowls to the jets.
Unfortunately the fuel bowl gaskets are shot and while the fuel pump pumps
it doesn't seem very strong. Also the gas in the tank is probably 1-1/2 to
2 years old. I don't think it'll stay good that long even with stabilizer
in it. Carb rebuild anyone?
Anyway she's another step closer to being on the road. I have had the car
for 5 years and have never driven her (unless you count sitting in the car
and "virtual" driving her).
Thanks to all,
74 RWA Midget (just days away from a trip around the neighborhood)
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