You can likely buy it at any jobber. I buy them for the stop arms on our
school busses. They have a separate ground contact. I think the number is
Fred Pixley
Napanee, Ontario
>I was digging through my
>spares bin and found I have
>one of these. I was wondering
>if someone could tell me the
>approximate date of
>manufacture of this particular
>style of reverse lamp. If it
>is appropriate enough, it is
>another item for my car. I am
>in the process of cleaning it
>up now, and found the bulb
>burned out and locked in the
>socket. I had to destroy the
>bulb to remove it. It is a
>single filament bulb, but upon
>removal of the remains, it has
>twin contact on the bottom.
>The side locating pins are
>level like on an 1156, but the
>contacts are like on the
>bottom of an 1157. Does anyone
>know what other type of bulb
>there is out there that fits
>this application? TIA