Mike, for that you have a choice. For home use you can go cheap (under
$1000) and get an eMac, or go for the iMac for a bit more money and get
an LCD Screen in 15, 17, and now 20" sizes. Or for the portables (which
even the PC Mags state are the pest in the world) get one of the new
PowerBook, in up to 17" screen size. (Bit big for a "laptop" tho).
For what you are asking I would just suggest any of the current crop of
G4 or G5 based systems. The biggest issue in what you are looking for
is that "digital photo processing" For simple stuff that is in the OS
in iPhoto, for more complex stuff you will want Photoshop or one of the
Photoshop subsets. Now for true color the LCD screens still have a way
to go for color purity, so I tend to stay with a good CRT screen, which
lets out all the iMacs, but keeps the eMac (my daughter has this one
for her PhotoShop work).
From there the call is yours, Price being the next Subject. If you can
afford it, get the biggest and baddest G5 on the block.
And stay Virus free in the bargin.
On Nov 24, 2003, at 2:39 PM, Mike MacLean wrote:
> All this talk about Macs, I'm ready to switch. What kind of a Mac do
> I need for email, web surfing, digital photo processing? Besides, my
> name IS MikeMacLean.
> Mike MacLean
> 60 Sprite
> Larry B. Macy, Ph.D. wrote:
> FWIW, Almost everything a Mac does is world wide standards based.
> Almost everything a Windows box does is MS based. The world wide
> standards were being written long before NT and 2K were wet dream in
> Billy's eyes. There is a reason the internet is based mostly on UNIX,
> there is a reason most banks and online ordering systems shy away from
> Windows. There is a reason most publishing houses use Macs, there is a
> reason most schools uses Macs, there is a reason over half the worlds
> researchers use Macs, there is a reason the 3rd fastest supercomputer
> in the world is a Mac Cluster, and there is a reason Windows dominates
> the corporate boardrooms. And it has nothing to do with standards and
> compatibility.
> Larry
> On Nov 23, 2003, at 12:09 PM, David Lieb wrote:
> What a crock David. All that's going on here is one computer is using
> a
> character set that is slightly different from the other computer's.
> And
> by
> the way, those character sets are user selectable.
> Come on,Rick, can't you take a joke? I know that, I also know that the
> particular implementation is a little silly when used in a sharing
> environment like email, isn't it? Just another MacOops.
> David Lieb
> --
> Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
> macy@bbl.med.upenn.edu
> System Administrator/Manager
> Neuropsychiatry Section
> Department of Psychiatry
> University of Pennsylvania
> 3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
> Philadelphia, PA 19104
> "Don't be afraid to ask dumb questions, they are a lot easier to
> handle than dumb mistakes.
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Administrator/Manager
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
The bottom line: Sure, there's pain in adopting the Mac. But if I accept
that, I get to use a computer that works, and that pretty much does
what I
expect and want a computer to do.
Stewart Alsop
Monday, June 25, 2001