LOL, of COURSE not!... but I can tell... especially after living in
this town for 30 years.
But hey, if anyone wants to help me get a new start somewhere else...
I'm all ears!
At 1:31 PM -0500 10/31/03, wrote:
>In a message dated 10/31/2003 10:08:56 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> writes:
>think he said she was a Miss Chinatown winner or something like
>that. I think it's a safe bet she's really a girl. I think they
>usually make sure of such things... LOL
>If you can't tell, does it matter?
>...those idiots at the NRA, not only do they think the second
>amendment gives them the right to own guns, they think the first
>amendment gives them the right to free speech!...unknown.
One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it.
~French Proverb