In a message dated 10/18/2003 1:20:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Biff"
<> writes:
>Recently I acquired a 12G295 head that I want to refurbish, Vizardise, and
>install on my 948. One pleasant surprise was that it has rimflow valves
>installed and they are clean and the guides are tight!
>Anyway, my question: How can I tell if the head has or has not been
>shaved/milled? I'm might be making an 'assumption' that since it has already
>been upgrade with the rimflow valves that it might have been already
>shaved/milled. But I don't know what it was installed on before my purchase.
>If it was on a 1100cc it might not have been shaved, however, if it was on a
>948 it probably was. I don't want to install it and find my compression down
>and have to remove it and have it shaved to bring the compression back.
>Is there a measurement somewhere on the head that will tell me something?
>Biff Jones
>'59 Bugeye, 'Kermit'
>'62 Sprite, 'Ole Gray'
>'71 Midget, 'Freebie'
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