Listening to his list of parts.... Does it seem reasonable to anyone else
that he should attempt to locate a relatively rust free shell for $500 to
$1,000, do whatever minor body work is required, paint it, and have the
mechanicals transplanted?
Now... I don't have his car, nor am I in his position, but that seems to be
what I would do.
-----Original Message-----
From owner-spridgets at
[]On Behalf Of PAsgeirsson
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:41 PM
To: Dale Puffenberger;;
Subject: Re: Parts supplier
Hi Dale,
Don't know what shape your car was in before the crash, but using the Black
Book, National Auto Research, in their CPI price guide, They give a range of
$3375 to $5575 for the MG Midget in #3 to #2 condition for the years 69 to
Their site is
Starting at a higher appraised price would seem to give you greater leverage
in preventing a "total" type of loss and a salvage title to hassle over.
Best, Paul A
----- Original Message -----
From "Dale Puffenberger" <dalep1 at>
> I got that information from the insurance company along with the Kentucky
> statute number. The agent cited the provisions in neighboring states, Ohio
> Indiana, which are 80%. He told me that most states have such provisions -
> wacky as it sounds. Some companies use the Blue Book value but since that
> not reflect regional price variations many companies use the NADA Guides
> at
> DID=37904&ColorId=&wSec=2&wPg=1184
> I guess in theory if "they" determine the fair market value of my car is
> and the estimated cost of repairs is $3000 (which is close to the parts
> by my estimates) they can total the car, offer me the money in exchange
> the title, which I can get back as a salvage title. Then I must go through
> process of making my car roadworthy and all the crap that that entails.
> are other fairness issues as well.
> Dale