I am often asked to bring the snakes by to schools and churches to show the
children. I always stress that THESE are pets, DO NOT go out and pick up snakes
they may see in their yards. For the most part, depending on the age of the
child, they also love the snakes. As the kids get older though, they learn their
parents fears and phobias, be they valid or not. I had an employee, college
educated, who believed that if a pregnant woman was to merely TOUCH a snake
while carrying, the child would be born with a club foot or hand, to mimic the
look of the snake................
It makes you wonder.
"Robert E. Shlafer" wrote:
> Guess you can take the animal out
> of the wild, but....:(
> I half expect that guy on Animal Planet
> who keeps sticking his face in those of
> crocs is going to get a big surprise one of
> these days....though he puts on a pretty educational show...kids love
> 'em..but.....