Sure, Bud...
Rates depend upon geographic area and
God knows what other criteria. For all
I know, Nationwide might just be less
expensive than GEICO in my area as well. With my driving record, anyone
would like to have me as a client. Of
course, tomorrow is anyother day!! :)
But my experiences with GEICO people
in my area area have been good so I'm not inclined to make a change even
I could save a few bucks.
Service means a great deal to me. They
gotta be there when I need help and they
were, even though I wasn't covered for
the "event" which caused me to contact
them. My first experience with them was
a good one....and the first one always
"sets the stage" in terms of a continuing
relationship. Had it been bad, I would have begun "looking around" for
sure. :)
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)