Nope, havn't seen a post from Frank for ages.
Thought he must be busy building another sprite or 2.
Sure isn't doing anything quick like pulling an engine or replacing a clutch
----- Original Message -----
From "Robert E. Shlafer" <PilotRob at>
To: "Guy Weller" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: Not LBC but Middling Italian Car
> You know...
> There must be a certain "irritant" (besides
> me!) in autox mail that sets off spam
> blockers in certain set-ups...gotta be.
> Frank has been posting on the autox list
> for the past half hour or so. About 4 posts.
> One on current "wimpy American stock"
> and "Arnold Schwarzenegger" (which I
> was gonna answer in agreement with but
> it's a car list, after all, and my answer got
> too long so the hell with it!:) Kate as well.
> You're forgiven on the "156/256" deal...
> all things Italian have a certain "flair",
> Guy....comes with the territory!! Which
> is as God intended and as it should be!:)
> Cap'n. Bob
> '60 :{)
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