i saw the video of that plane's extraction! incredible! about 30 min. from
here is the ongoing reconstruction of the P-61 black widow. vintage WW2
aircraft! *sigh* they are a serious adiction! as a kid i had a ride in the
jump seat(where tons of tube radio equiptment once resided in the 40's) of a
P-51 and an honest to god spitfire! sights, sounds and smells you never
ever forget!
still shrinking! 25-30lbs left to go! *big grin*
-----Original Message-----
From DLancer7676 at cs.com <DLancer7676@cs.com>
To: PilotRob@webtv.net <PilotRob@webtv.net>; Daniel1312@aol.com
<Daniel1312@aol.com>; spridgets@autox.team.net <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Date: Sunday, June 01, 2003 7:30 AM
Subject: Bombers--The Lost Squadron--No LBC
>While we are on the subject of bombers, just across the mountain from me,
>Middlesboro, Kentucky is the P-38 Glacier Girl. I haven't been over
>(45-minute drive on Rural highways) to see her yet, but she is one of the
>bombers that were forced to land in Greenland (I think) during the 2nd
world war,
>and was found most recently under many feet of ice. She was extricated and
>brought to Middlesboro and was recondioned and recently flown. A great
place to
>visit if you are into aircraft. Here is the link to her site online:
><A HREF="http://thelostsquadron.com/";>The Lost Squadron Glacier Girl
On-Line Museum</A>
>--David C.
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