Bill/Brad/and all.
I know this is a sprite list NOT a computer list. I generally don't get
involved with the non-car threads (sorry Jay), however, this list, as well
as the triumph list goes throught this microsoft bashing at any opportunity.
I don't care whether you like/dislike microsoft. I don't care if you use a
mac/PC. I don't care if your sprite is original/modified. I really don't
care. It is a personal choice. Not mine, yours.
However, once again, it is time to bash microsoft on outlook. I use
outlook. I have used it since before it was called outlook. I have been on
the internet when it was still the DARPA/ARPA net. The problem is not
outlook. The problem is that many people do not keep the software up to
date. I do - religously. I have *NEVER* got a virus. I do not use any
antivirus software. I do occasionally go to trend micro and run there
online virus scan out of habit, and piece of mind, especially when I get
tons of email from people containing various virii. How do I know it is a
virus? Because I didn't ask for someone to send me an .exe or an .vbs or
.scr, etc.
Why outlook is exploited often is simply because it is the most popular
email program out there. Supply and Demand works on the virus kids too.
Why would I waste my time writing a virus for joe blows email program when I
will just infect 5 people. Find a hole in outlook and I can get millions.
The other programs have holes too, but "who cares??" and they generally
never get fixed
Don't be afraid of outlook. Just keep it updated, set the security
correctly, and go on. That's why microsoft pays a software engineer to
write patches as needed. It is up to the user to keep it updated.
Use common sense. If you didn't ask for someone to send you an attachment
containing a program, by all means, don't open it! Throw it away and empty
your deleted items. The "automatically running" html virii are stopped cold
with the software patchs provided free from microsoft. Most virii are
simply propagated by people opening up the attachments and running them.
The sending to everyone in your address book has been patched a long time
I have never worked for MS, but have beta tested for them in the past. Just
a user since it was called MSDOS.
sprites and spitfires
-----Original Message-----
but one of the best
protections for both oneself and the people in your address
book is DON'T USE OUTLOOK!!!!
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