I was at the storage today attempting to grind off the last remaining fender
bolt off the front where the fender bolts to the valace. I fitted a small
grinding wheel to a drill. The going is slow to say the least, didn't even
get the first one ground thru. It's too tight of a area to get a nut splitter
in so I am left with few options as they are seized very well. Is there a
easier way (besides a Dremel which I don't have yet) to break thru these
british steel bolts? I could cut right thru the fender but I don't want to go
that far yet as I am still not sure if the fenders can be reused yet. I would
prefer to keep the original fenders if possible but if I find the back side
is rotted out real bad then I will look for replacements from another
Spridget. I have to take the Sprite to the body man on March 1st so he can
access the damage he will be repairing and give me a accurate estimate. I
want to have him rebuild the spring boxes, replace the a pillars and replace
the inner and outer rockers. I have the parts for him to fit with the
exception of the spring boxes. He said if I could get spring boxes that are
in good shape it would help to cut my costs considerably otherwise he will
make them from scratch which will cost me more. But anyway I have to have the
fenders off before I take it to him, I'm sure he will charge more if he has
to do it. Any advice and/or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks.
1962 Austin Healey Sprite MK II
1979 Pontiac Trans Am WS6
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