PayPal only takes a cut if its a credit card payment. Then it is 2.9% and
$.30. If it is a cash/checking account payment they take nothing. Makes it
real cheap and easy to take a credit card. And even cheaper to take cash.
You can set up your PayPal account like a bank. It can stay there and earn
interest or transfer to your checking account.
At this exact moment in time: 12/31/01 6:42 PM, "Brad Fornal"
<> made the profound revelation:
> I have a friend using Pay Pal, and they get a cut for themselves separate from
> the
> cut you pay eBay. I want to keep my profit margin as wide as possible. Thanks
> for
> the info though.......... Brad
> "Paul A. Asgeirsson" wrote:
>> Brad,
>> You can do it with Pay Pal on EBay. Easy to set up and if you choose, use
>> your
>> existing bank account.
>> Paul A
>> Brad Fornal wrote:
>>> Smart @$$!!! I don't want one, it seems that everyone I know is in debt
>>> to one or more. It must be alot like Monopoly Money and easy to do. Does
>>> anyone know if you can sell off of eBay with a Debit card. I would set
>>> up a separate bank account to do this and sell my 70 El Camino front
>>> clip, 69 Custom S front clip and other parts to clean out the
>>> shed.............
>>> wrote:
>>>> In a message dated 12/31/01 4:17:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>>>> writes:
>>>>> I don't believe in credit cards...
>>>> Trust me Brad, they DO exist!
>>>> Happy New Year to all!
>>>> Chris Eck
>>>> 59 Bugeye
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78 Midget
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