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Re: LBC Junkyard and Re: Merry Christmas

To: Ron Soave <soavero@yahoo.com>, Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: LBC Junkyard and Re: Merry Christmas
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 17:12:49 -0500
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
Kinda makes you want to cry don't it??

At this exact moment in time: 12/22/01 1:42 PM, "Ron Soave"
<soavero@yahoo.com> made the profound revelation:

> Ron:  "WOW! That MGA coupe looks like it could almost
> be a driver!"
> CM: "Yeah, coulda been, but I cut it in half."
> Ron: "Wow! I counted 52 MGB transmissions in that
> pile!"
> CM: "Yeah, I crushed 900 good ones last week".
> Peter: "What happened to that nice Mini you had?"
> CM: "I crushed it."
> ...and so it went.
> Have a safe and happy holiday, and peace to all.
> =====
> Ron Soave
> Happy Holidays From Roscoe, IL
> Pop. 4,128 ("Home of the 1981 Rope Jump Champions")


Larry Macy
78 Midget

Keep your top down and your chin up.

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

 Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a question
and you're a fool for the rest of your life. 

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