> Rick,
> I understand what you are saying but a couple of points need to be made:
> a) private ownership of firearms is legal here. In fact we had a .22 and a
> both of which were stolen in one of the burgs. Yes, it was in a gun
> which in turn was bolted into a concrete pad, but these guys were
> b) the culprit has never struck when we were around. This is the main
> why we believe it is one of the nearby properties. They seem to know
> we are not around and only strike then... Therefore having the guns or
> not is largely irrelevant
> c) This is a property offence, not a personal assault case. I don't have
>the comparative
> numbers for properties offences in Australia vs. the US, but I do
>recall that the number
> of personal assaults and murders are greater than 10 times worse (per
>million people)
> in the US than in Australia. The comparative figures (pre and post
>banning of semi-
> automatic and automatic weapons a few years ago) that the NRA was
>quoting were
> totally in the statistical error bounds.
> d) Our problem is not systemic to Australian society. We have a bad apple
>in our
> neighbourhood and he is good at disguising it. The police are
>underresourced to
> pursue it and he apparently hasn't given them any clues.
> cheers, Mike
> p.s. I have staked out the property waiting for the burglar, but the bait was
>never taken
> when I was on stake out.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <HealeyRic2@aol.com>
> To: <mikeg@vicnet.net.au>
> Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 10:01 PM
> Subject: Re: Yeeee Haaaaa!
> > OK, I'll start it: Didn't Oz ban private ownership of firearms?
> > .......?
> >
> > Rick
> >
> > In a message dated 10/27/01 6:00:05 AM, mikeg@vicnet.net.au writes:
> >
> > <<Still have the 100ac farm/vineyard but we have postponed the new house
> > there and
> > bought this place instead. (long story, but involves multiple (5) breakins
> > the farm
> > this year and (likely) no good neighbours. The latest installment was this
> > week's
> > attempted theft of the tractor after using boltcutters on all the shed
> > locks).>>