At 10:15 AM 10/18/2001, wrote:
>I thought this item, from a recent Consumer Reports article on
>advanced "driving help" from car electronics takes the award for "Not
>Well Thought Out Idea". What do y'all think?
> Several luxury cars offer a brake-assist feature. If the system
> detects that you're trying to make an emergency stop, it will
> help ensure the effectiveness of the antilock brake system by
> automatically fully depressing the brake pedal for you. Without
> it, many people feel the ABS-induced vibration of the brake
> pedal and let up, defeating the effectiveness of ABS.
Well, s**t, if they're going that far, how about turning on the turn
signals for you when you touch the brake pedal and turn the wheel? I know
it's too late by then, but it would help.
Just a thought.