I am writing to you three guys because, as you know I am on a fixed income,
trying to restore my MG Midget, and have to get the best prices I can. In no
way do I want to start a competition of any kind. That is certainly not my
intent. Who gets my order will never be revealed by me.
I sat down yesterday afternoon for hours and went thru the Moss catalog with
the two guys that are restoring my car. This is the list they came up with
that they need right away. I have listed page number and parts number so you
can look it up.
The first thing on the list was the scariest to me.
Page 134 BATTERY #459-480 $149.95
(they told me this was the BEST but perhaps there
would be a cheaper model somewhere) ???
Page 68, #54 SEAL, filter head to block
#520-400 .95 (not
a problem)
Page 68, #85 Mount, engine #810-120 17.95 each
(I will need TWO of these)
Page 68, #86 Mount, transmission 5.10 each
(I will need TWO of these also)
Page 73, #51 HOSE, thermo, hsg to radiator $5.95
Page 73, #52 HOSE, radiator to pump 6.95
Page 73, #53 HOSE, radiator to pump 6.95
Page 73, #54 HOSE, L/H, to thermo hsg. 6.95
(they told me that my two hoses look like
#53 and #54, but #51 and #52 are the ones
they think should be on there, so I should
order all 4 and ask if I could return the two
I don't use)
Page 75, #45 HOSE, demister 5.95
(All preformed heater hoses) (They
said this is the right thing (pictured)
but they need "preformed hoses" -
whatever that means)
ALSO SCARY, but I know I can get a rebuilt one
Page 96, #36 MASTER CYLINDER $169.95
Page 97, #61;#180-396 WHEEL CYLINDER,
rear, aftermarket 10.95
Page 97, #66 Boot 5.95
"" #68 Clirclip .75
#69 Spring, abutmend end 1.95
#70 Spring R/H 3.95
#71 Spring L/H 3.95
#72 HOSE,rear brake $13.95
#73 Washer .30
Page 98, #2 HOSE, front disc brake 16.95
" #12 SHIM, anti-squeal 1.95
#16 Seal .90
#17 TAB WASHER .95
They told me there would be more things later, but these are the things they
need right now.
If any of you can give me a better deal, please just type in your prices
beside Moss's - I will be eternally grateful for any help I can get. The less
than $1.00 things I am certainly not concerned about, but would really like to
order everything from someone - all at one time instead of ordering here and
there. I would send you a check before you send any
Again, this is in no way a competition and I would never reveal who gave me
the best prices.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Beverly Cleary
Summerville, SC
----- Original Message -----
From: George Merryweather
To: Beverly Cleary
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:52 AM
Subject: RE: 1976 MG Midget
Absolutely. I will help whereever I can, whether you buy parts or not.
If you do not have a Moss catalog, let me know, and I will send you one.
You can also call, and we can 'talk through' any of this.
George Merryweather
Classic Restorations
15 Cimarron Trail
Lucas, TX 75002
888-767-4898, 972-429-6079 local/fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Beverly Cleary [mailto:bcleary@awod.com]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 8:22 AM
To: gmerry1@airmail.net
Subject: 1976 MG Midget
I am currently in the process of trying to restore my MG Midget (1976)
(1500 engine). I asked the Spridgets list for help in obtaining parts. So
far, they have located me an engine which I bought and my mechanics (dumb and
dumber) are putting in as we speak. Anyhow, one of the Spridgets (Mike Gagne)
gave me your e-mail address.
I was told today by the garage that they need radiator hoses and heater
hoses and by-pass hoses. One of the Spridgets said not to get a by-pass hose
- to use a short piece of l/1" heater hose. Anyhow, they told me Moss's
prices were inflated and that you were more reasonable.
I am a 66 year old woman that wants to restore her car before I am too old
to drive it (smile). It has set for 9 years. My husband is no help in this
matter so I am trying to locate parts, etc., on my own. He thinks this is all
a "folly" whereas I think it is my dream.
Be that as it may, when I find out exactly what I need, could I possibly
contact you reference the hoses and get a price for them?
Thank you.
Beverly Cleary
Summerville, SC