The only "major" differences between
1275 engines (whether Sprite or Midget?)
besides alternator/generator and stuff like
that were "thick flange" vs. "thin flange"
1275's and crankshafts, the '67 engines
(Sprite for sure, Midget I am not so sure of). "Thin" was earlier,
"thick" was later
and more "sturdy".
The '67 Sprite 1275's had an EN40B mostly, while a few MIGHT have had
later "nitrided" E16T. The 40 is "stronger"
than the 16 (any metalurgists out there?)
A discussion with Vizard the Wizard revealed not ALL E16T's came through
the factory nitrided; some sort of quality
control problem.
Those that did had a nitiriding process
good to .020 only, so once past this---?
Cap'n. Bob
'61 :{)