If your intent is to clean and paint, I would recommend that you use a
degreaser and powerwash the whole affair before pulling the engine and
again separately once you've pulled the engine. Make sure you cover or tape
over anywhere you don't want water to get into.
Pull the engine and tranny together, but remember to drain the tranny oil
before you do! Make sure you've disconnected all electrical connection,
hoses, choke and throttle cables etc. When you start pulling the engine
out, watch for something you may have forgotten, like a ground strap or
something still attached. If you feel resistance, find out why, don't keep
yanking. The engine has to come out at a pretty steep angle if the grille
surround is still on, so be prepared and make sure you have sturdy chain
and connections to the engine. The engine can sit on it's pan, but I like
to fashion a dolly so it can be easily relocated. If you are replacing a
clutch, be sure to inspect the pilot bearing or bush and replace if
necessary or missing. This is very important!
Thing are rather simple on these cars and you'll learn the rest as you go,
but do yourself a favor and get a shop manual. We'll be here to answer
questions along the way too. There are lots of photos on my site you may
find helpful or inspirational along the way.
At 11:25 AM -0400 10/2/01, Michel R. Gagne wrote:
>I ve never done anything like this before, but a friend of mine with more
>experience than I has volunteered to help with this project. I d like to
>pull the motor to help me clean and ultimately paint the innards of the
>filthy engine bay. Before going off half (at best) cocked, I wanted to ask
>the advice of you experts out there, especially looking for any little
>tricks to help out the helpless. As I9ve said before, I9m trying to make up
>for too much schooling and not enough education, so don9t laugh too hard at
>me <gr>.
>The bonnet, the heater box, the driver side fender, and the battery are
>currently off of the vehicle. I9ll need to rent an engine hoist and
>continue to read through my service manual. Lots of questions come up (and
>many that have yet to come up). In addition to the general purpose
>cleaning, I9m in the process of replacing the brake and clutch lines. The
>clutch and engine mounts are new. What else should I think about while it
>is out?
>Should I pull engine and tranny out together? Once they are out, can it sit
>on the floor on the oil pan or do I need to rig up a support for it? This
>is probably a good time to change the tranny fluid, no?
>I9m absolutely posilutely sure that I9m getting in over my head, but how
>else am I going to figure out how this dad-burn car works, and what you guys
>are talking about most of the time ?-)
>Mike Gagne
>74 Midge
>Chapel Hill, NC
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