Hi Paul,
Believe it or not, my search term was "5 speed conversion".<grin> Nah,
didn't think ya'd believe that.<grin>
-----Original Message-----
From Paul A. Asgeirsson [mailto:Pasgeirsson at worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 2:33 PM
To: Brad Fornal
Cc: Greg Gowins; Spridgets List
Subject: Re: For those of you complaining about the heat (No LBC)
Hey Greg! What was your search criteria to locate this?
Paul A
Brad Fornal wrote:
I was gonna bid till I noticed that they insist on cash only and it is
out of
Damn, I could use this because in Texas it's hot, Damn, F@#$ing HOT!!!
Greg Gowins wrote:
> Hello list,
> If the heat has just been too much, a poster at our friendly online
> auction house Ebay has just the thing for you! Enjoy!
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewItem
1> &item=1
> 454079846
> Greg Gowins
> '69 Sprite
> Dublin, CA