I'm not sure if it is reality or something that he would like to try.
Definitely not a kit, and I imagine it would be something that would put
your car away for awhile in an Ottawa shop. Apparently he has put a Volvo
trans in a spridget.
I'll be talking to him again, probably within the month, but I would imagine
that you would be better with the tried and true.
Robert D.
-----Original Message-----
From Larry B. Macy <macy at bbl.med.upenn.edu>
>Beemer trannys in a Spridget?? That is the first time I ever heard that. I
>am thinkin 5 speed to go with the birthday engine, But the $900+ price plus
>mods is keeping me hesitant.
>Can you got more info??
>On 8/10/01 6:24 PM, "Robert Duquette" <RobertDuquette@Sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> Someone locally says that he prefers to install BMW gearboxes in
>> which would require body mods.
>> I know nothing more.