In the recent spy photos of Gerard's garage you see the race bugeye
has a "gas -laughing system" Explanation:
The Pixelsmith was explaining the car and declared it had a gas-laughing
system. Our agents thought he meant "laughing-gas" or a nitrous oxide
system for more power, and that Maybe Mr. Pixelsmith had been snorting
too much of the stuff.
He explained his system to us: "Whenever I see some asian kid in a
rice rocket, I step on the gas - all they hear is my laughing as I leave
their buzz-bomb wannabe's in the dust" Hence the name, "Gas-laughing
The Mole
Steve McGee, Atty. at Large
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"'I am' is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language.
Could it be that 'I do' is the longest sentence?"
Steven Wright