In a message dated 8/3/2001 9:04:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Wrong, DC. Tighten on FIRST try, then the loosen/tighten scenario. (Still,
> >I beleive in "Busty" and reg. Stud remover/installer Socket)
And besides, I had several broken off in the body of my Sprite--applied heat,
grabbed them with a pair of vise grips, started twisting them clockwise and
counterclockwise (in case you can't keep up with "back and forth"), and once
loose, twisted them ONLY counterclockwise till they were all the way out.
Tightening first is not that important, it is the loosening up of the
threads, then removal of same that is important. If it doesn't come loose,
then try to tighten, then loosen. If it comes loose, what is the difference?
None! <G>
-David C.