Ya know the least Allen coulda said was, They are Ima-fake-shun sheepskins
At this exact moment in time 7/12/01 10:44 AM, ""
<> made the profound statement:
> In a message dated 7/12/01 10:23:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> <<I hope somebody can spell. We have 12 letters that came off. 2 D's, 2
> E's, 2 G's, 2 I's, 2 M's, and 2 T's. What's that spell? DEGIMT (Maybe we
> should leave them alphabetical. Are there any good anagrams for MIDGET?)>>
> GET DIM on both sides! (This will become more obvious tonight, after the
> beer...)
> Chris Eck
> 59 Bugeye
> 59 TR3A
> 93 Audi S4 TQ
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Administrator/Manager
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
"Don't be afraid to ask dumb questions, they are a lot easier to
handle than dumb mistakes.