So I'm sitting here at the front desk of the barracks (ARMY dorms) watching
TV at 3am this morning. I turn on MTV to watch some videos and they announce
Janet Jackson's new video to be appearing next. So I stay to watch and to
my surprise and awe, the video start out with Janet driving down this old
dirt road in the country in her red BJ8!!! Yes, Janet Jackson knows what an
Austin Healey is. This is now the second music video in which Ms. Jackson
has driven a Big Healey. Do you think we've got her hooked on them yet? I
think I will try to catch the license plate number next time. Someone has to
know who owns this car.
Now I know I am still part of the younger crowd here in the Healey Club
but if any of you parents out there just happen to catch your kids watching
TV, just stop in and see if just maybe that's the video, or ask them to tell
you when/if that video comes on the tube. Happy hunting.