as for plastic fans? i have no faith in them as they get brittle as they
age and tend to loose blades at very inconvienient times with very expensive
bypass hose? you mean to the heater controll valve at the rear of the
cylinder head? in racing back in the late 70's we found this a very
importaint hose to not block off! it helped to cool the rear of the
cylinder head and improved circulation of coolant.
rubber caps leaking as fast as hoses do? it depends upon the quality of the
material that the cap is cast from. a high quality rubber cap can outlast
the hoses but it's life also depends upon regular cooling system service
as for fitting the lower rad hose you can ease it's installation by coating
the hose inside with either antifreeze or a little spray silicone lubricant.
it wil make the hose very slipperey inside and it will go on very easy!
thermostat vs. restrictor plate? i'd vote for a thermostat for street
driven cars. since the thermostat opens and closes to regulate coolant flow
depending upon needs. a restrictor plate does not compensate for a cool
running situation. restrictor plates are very common in race cars that
never need to worry about running too cool, they usually are running spot on
or a bit hot.
you know, though, all the above is subject to personal preference and
individual pocket books and climates too!
not bad for a guy guessing ? lol!