Beautiful weather in northern VA today! And since I finally got the soft top
put on last weekend, I FINALLY got to enjoy the little beast the way it
should be enjoyed! Drove it to church this AM, and on the way home passed a
Spitfire and exchanged friendly waves with the occupants. Only LBC I saw
though. And then this afternoon I just took off for about an hour of
cruising some of the back roads through Loudoun county. Beautiful skys, nice
temperature, gentle hills and a twisty road, and little traffic. What a
blast! Just wish we had a handy babysitter around so my wife could go on
these little jaunts with me. I bought her an English picnic hamper and
picnicware (is that a word?) set, and a luggage rack for the Midget to carry
it. Need to get the rack installed. But after that I'm looking forward to a
nice proper English picnic!
Still grinnin'
1971 Midget