Personally, I think that you guys should be cc'ing D1312 with this, as I
think that he would find it amusing when he gets back. Otherwise he won't
see it.
Robert D.
-----Original Message-----
From Kent J. Miller <Bushwacker4 at>
To: Spridgets <>
Date: June 8, 2001 11:14 PM
Subject: Was: Going off list for a while/Now hole bunch of help!
>Herb has a great idea but I can't send that much... It isn't the weight of
>the hole but the size. Five cubic feet exceeds the 130 inch restriction for
>length and girth for shipping via FedUp!!!
>So instead, I have decided to send him some paint. It is already dry so it
>won't get damaged during shipping. I recently removed it from my house. It
>is mostly small sheets. Sent by weight, not volume as some settling may
>occur during transit. Your mileage may vary.Void where prohibited. Not
>available in some states. Subject to credit approval, not all customers
>qualify for the lowest interest rate. Length of contract limited, see your
>dealer for details! Some assembly required...
>When is the house warming party? Will the hole be assembled by then?
>Subject: Re: Going off list for a while
>> I'm sending him five cubic feet. I challenge my fellow list member to
>> that amount, or more, during this "1312" marathon.
>> WFO
>> "Peter C." wrote:
>> > At 04:12 PM 6/8/2001, wrote:
>> > >SNIP
>> >
>> > > The new house has a GARAGE
>> > >
>> > > But feel free to 'deliver' benching, racking, power tools, a
>> > > compressor, pipe,
>> > >electrics, fancy paint for the floor, RSJs for a lifting winch, a pit,
>> >
>> > I say we all chip in and mail him a least the hole
>> > ......'course he'd have to install it ;-)
>> > Peter c