If what I experience with a '75 Midget is at all typical, the problem with
the slave is that if you don't keep you battery tray clean, battery acid
and water will trickle down the flexible cluch line and find it way...
guess where... the slave cylinder. mine was all corroded from the battery
acid mess left by the DPO.
At 2:19 PM -0400 6/4/01, mgraziano@mindspring.com wrote:
>Ooo Ooo Ooo. I just had a thought.
>THe 1500 clutch uses a pivot fork. THe pivot point is a small pin that
>fits in from the top. But the hole is open at both ends. Often times,
>then the pin wears, it drops down and falls out. Look for a picture
>(moss catalog) of the pin, find the location (opposite side of bell
>housing from slave), and check for either a recessed pin, or a vertical
>THat would produce these symptoms.
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