I just noticed this post on the autox list. It will be interesting to see
what GR Motorsports thinks of the Mini.
Allen Hefner
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"Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 09:43:06 EDT
From GRMPer at aol.com
Subject: August issue of Grassroots Motorsports----New MINI!
Hey All,
We are putting the finishing touches on the upcoming July/August issue of
Grassroots Motorsports magazine. It's a good one! It's got everything from
and in depth story on how to get into road racing, to a feature on a Factory
Five Cobra that is actively autocrossed. We even got to drive the new MINI
and compare it side by side to the original! We also have our Solo II
contingency program for the 2001 season, if you haven't checked it out
already on our website at http://www.grassrootsmotorsports.com
We are also putting the finishing touches on our rules for the 2002
Challenge..yep, we are doing it again, the first two were so successful!
Full rules and details will be in the August issue and they can be seen on
the web.
If you haven't seen us before, you are welcome to email me your postal
address and I'll send you out the August issue for free.