Pushed in the rear and left rear corner like when you squeeze an empty
Coke can, smashed the license plate light assembly, and crumpled up
the reissued vintage '61 license plate. He said there was some rear
end shake on the drive home. I told him if he could just seal off the
cockpit and blow some high pressure air in there it would all just pop
right out. Then I told him it's a good thing he was going slow when
he backed into my client's pickup.
Hell, how else do you cheer the guy up!
PS- no visible damage to pickup. :-(
On Mon, 21 May 2001 02:08:09 -0600 (MDT), Robert D. wrote:
>Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 08:08:44 -0400
>From: "Robert Duquette" <RobertDuquette@Sympatico.ca>
>Subject: Re: Something you don't want to see happen
>Drive home? In the bugeye? How far in did the PU go?
>Robert D.