Any of you out there that 'shaved' off the fender beading on their bugeye?
Happy with the results, sorry you did it, wish you'd done it, why shouldn't
I do it, why should I do it?
I plan to start stripping the car this summer and primering for a late fall
repaint. Staying stock is not a big thing to me and I can't imagine this
particular car being returned to stock in my lifetime. After seeing John
Carey's red 'shaved' bugeye a couple of times the look grew on me. I also
like the thought of easier washing and waxing. I imagine that the designer
would have preferred the look if manufacturing processes would have allowed
it to be done economically at that time. Of course by that logic I should
rig up the headlights to turn under when not in use as he originally
Glen Byrns
'59 bugeye
'59 Morris Traveller (Winifred)
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)