pretty punny huh...he-he-he!
now apearing in a neighborhood near bugeye!!! after putting my
new plate on the car i took my son to preschool in the bugeye! he tells me
it is too loud! i explained that it was not too bad when you are in the
car. we got a block down the street where i picked him up at the sitters
and he has his elbow propped up on the top door trim and exclaims" hey were right! it's not too bad after all!" i got him to
school and the minivan brigade almost stopped in their tracks while we got
out and i took him into the building to drop him off. none of them had ever
heard of a sprite or even a healey of any type, but they all agreed it was
really neat!
i put it in it's garage and picked up my son with my zillion mile chevy
van(the tow vehicle). he askes me where the little white car was? i
explained that it was for special ocasions and it needs to live in it's
house( garage) and only gets driven evry so often now. he proceeds to tell
me "daddy, i would like to ride in that little white car again some day soon
please"!!! my heart skipped a beat of pure daddy joy! it was his firstr
ride in a convertible and a spridget of any kind. he really enjoyed it a
lot ! and i did not get scolded by my wife for this operation either.......
there is hope for future generations after all!
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)