In a message dated 3/27/01 9:09:58 PM Mountain Standard Time,
patricia.sauthoff@Colorado.EDU writes:
> He said the gas in the car was bubbling, and a large patch of
> paint under the gas cap was bubbled off the car. Now for the questions, do
> I
> have to have the whole car painted, or can someone just paint that part, or
> the back of the car only? How much is this going to cost me? How do I make
> sure they get the same color? How the hell did this happen? and what can I
> do in the future to prevent anything like this from happening again?
It was probably cold, or at least the gas from the underground tank was cold
when you filled the tank brimming full. Then when the weather warmed up, or
just sunshine on the back of the car, the gas warmed up and expanded, as most
all things do when they warm up, and the gas no longer fit in the tank. In
the future, just stop when the pump clicks off at the station and don't top
the tank off, especially on a cold day.
A good paint shop should be able to spot paint the area and match the color.
IMHO it shouldn't cost more than $200 or so to fix this. OTOH, you could
pick up a can of primer from K-mahts, and just cover the area to protect it
so you will have a Spridget that looks more like mine!
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)