Perhaps someone who is a collector of this kind of
thing will be interested in what I have.
It is a MG Midget service parts list written in 11 languages.
English, Dansk, Hollands,
Suomi, Francais, Deutsch, Italiano, Norsk, Portugues, Espanol
and Svenska.
It measures 5 1/2 X 8 1/2 and not many pages
with illustrations covering all the parts of the car but no detail
descriptions. The cover is of a soft pulp paper which has
deteriated but still legible.
I get the opinion that this must
have been a standard manual that came with the car in a particular
year. However, the manual makes no mention as to which model
or year. From the picture on the cover it is a solid wheel chrome
bumper type roadster probably the first one produced.
The title on the cover simply says Midget Graphoref 27 published
by The M.G. Car Company Limited. On the bottom listed with
an English telephone number is Sole Exporters Nuffield Esports Limited
Cowley - Oxford - England.
No doubt one of thousands printed but thought it might be of
Roy Rogers
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)