Set the date for this and let me know. I don't have any Saturdays in
May open but I can make it for any Sunday (and Monday).
I could leave here Sat evening and be there for Sunday morn...
Kevin V.
Frank Clarici wrote:
> Chuck, we need a panel beater and a welder, you just got railroaded my
> friend.
> Kevin, it's a 67, I thought it was a 69. It needs a single bore brake
> master. I am bidding on one on Ebay, maybe I'll get lucky.
> Larry, can you spread Bondo?
> Everybody else, we need parts!!!! Anybody have a bonnet hinge (pre
> sissors type) Amy, it comes out real easy when the dash is removed.
> Any 12 volt horn will work, VWs have a nice beep-beep horn that never
> dies. Lucas horns are for show, they work fine intil they get wet so if
> you want the original, never wash the car :)
> A heater spigot knob, no problem. Vise grips once in summer once in
> winter. I should have the right knob.
> Pick a weekend in May. Let's do this.
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)