This reminds me of my junior prom. At the time (fall '87), it was held at the
school. Instead of hiring a limo (no $$$), I had my dad drive us in. He owned a
grey and black '85 Suburban at the time. I think my date was horrified. My
father even tried to look the chauffer part with a coat and one of those front
brimmed sorta-floppy hats (I have no idea what they're called - you see Irish
immigrants in old movies wearing one of these).
He just went through surgery recently for prostate cancer. I'm still glad to
have him around.
Chris King -
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From mgraziano at
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 09:50:36 -0500
>this brings back memories....
>I remember when I was in 8th grade (well, 5th through 8th), my dad would
>occasionally pick me up from school. He used to have a ball watching me slink
>way down in my seat while he drove home making crazy, lunatic, Jim Carey kinds
>of faces. My dad passed away in Feb of '99. I would give everything I owned
>just to see him make one more crazy lunatic face.