Hey list. I figured up the cost of all the body panels I will need to restore
the body on my Sprite minus the bonnet. Through VB it will run just under
$650.00. The bonnet from Chris will be $50.00. So all together I am looking
at around $700.00. Next problem is finding a good bodyman to do the work for
a fair price. The only other option is to strip the body of any good body
panels (not very many) and junk the rest and find another early MK II Sprite
that doesn't require such extensive work. I would rather not junk this car
but I still don't know the full extent of repairs needed or the projected
cost of such repairs to make a intelligent decision. If someone in the
Janesville, Wisconsin area has some body knowledge and would care to help me
look everything over I would be most appreciative. I am just not prepared to
sink several thousands of dollars into this car, mainly because I can't
afford to spend that kind of money.
1962 AH Sprite MK II (restoration at stand still)
1979 Trans Am (back on the road again)
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