remember in a cooper "s" head with extra stud holes the front hole gets a
bolt and you must torque it gingerly as you can damage the head over
torquing. the rear hole gets a stud. there is a special front bolt. i
would use all the fastners you can! do not ignore the extra 2 holes. they
were not put there for decoration's sake, they really help.
----- Original Message -----
From Jon Paschke <birdman at>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 4:20 AM
Subject: 1275 heads or STUDS
> Hi,
> I wonder what the opinions are here, I'm sure someone might have one. (G)
> I've got a stock 1275 in my car now and I have picked up a 11 stud Cooper
> head. I want to put this on my 9 stud Spridget motor, do I just ignore the
> extra holes or do I have to drill and install the two extra studs? Why did
> they put the extra studs in those heads? From what I've seen even the big
> 1340 motors just use the 9 stud heads with no problems.
> I'm also thinking of a cam change to go along with the better head but
> it never ends so for now the head question. What do you think?
> Jon
> 71 Midget