"Louis Mehr (EML)" wrote:
> Hi Spridget World,
> 1/ Could someone please advise of, or send a link to some pictures showing,
>fuel line routing for my 1971 Sprite.
>From the fuel pump (behing the right wheel) the line runs up the
outboard side of the channel under the floor (there should be 2 hir pin
type clips that hold it to that channel)
At the front of the tranny the line curves across to the left side and
runs along the frame rail. It clamps to the left hand motor mount/body
bolt and goes to the front carb.
> 2/ Also, does anyone have pictures/dimensions which will allow me to
>accurately drill holes in the floor to mount the "organ pedal" type throttle.
RH drive, the inner bolt hole (closest to the brake pedal) is 2.5" fron
the right and 2.5" from the front kick plate.
So 2.5" centered should work. The outboard bolt, just use the pedal as a
template, it was about 1.5" from the right side.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Just Enough Sprites Again