The straps will give a much softer cushion
(driver's weight considered) If you need
head height, use straps. if you want firmness
or raise the driver, use the diaphragms.
Personally, I'm about to swap out my diaphragms
for the straps, to soften my ride. :-)
Paul Tegler
----- Original Message -----
From "Mark Endicott" <endicott at>
To: "spridgets list" <>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 1:48 PM
Subject: Midget Seats
The time has come to replace the seats in my 70 Midget, the foam is sagging,
the seats have a crack and I am tired of sitting on the floor. I am looking
in the Moss catalog and I see that the seat for the 70 uses the web straps
on the bottom. Well my car has the rubber diaphram on the bottom. Are
these parts interchangeable or should I order the rubber diaphram from the
earlier cars and the foam and seat kits for the 70? George Merryweather are
you still around? The price on this stuff assumes a bottom less $ pit. Any
other good options, Frank where is your $100 guy?
W. Mark Endicott
Communications Group, Inc.
441 Donelson Pike, Suite 420
Nashville, Tennessee
800 431-2929
615 889-4756