Why is it the spitfires get driven in such a state of disrepair? Mine
was a 70 and had no bonnet, seats or exhaust. But I had to take it for
the test drive and got caught!
Any more the neighbors just wave and the cops just make sure I am not
going where the
out-of-towners can see me. Luckily, within 3 blocks of my house I have
the parts store, car wash, gas station, courthouse and fire station.I am
also guilty of driving a 67 Mustang that had a trashed tranny that had
only 2nd gear and no neutral. When you started it, the broken motor
mount let the 6 cylinder flop over and pulled the throttle wide open
just as the clutch linkage fell out! Drove it for about 2 weeks like
I am honestly surprised that ANY of us made it past 18 years old.
Bruce Lowry
Guy Weller wrote:
> OK, story time
> '68 Spitfire, braking system removed for rebuild, i.e no pipe lines,
> no calipers, nothing but rear drums. Decided with 15 minutes to spare
> that I was going to need some parts so hopped in the car to drive into
> town in a hurry.
> Pulled over by cops for speeding.
> Stopped by crashing down throughgears and heaving on hand brake
> Cop walked around the car, decided that as it had 4 wheels, and all
> had rubber on the tyres, and a tax disc, that it must be ok.
> Let me off with a "don't do it again son" warning - he was having an
> easy day and it was just about the end of his shift.
> Completed the journey, and got the parts in time before the shop shut!
> Guy