I have had several girlfriends say they wish they had a guy to teach them
about cars. There's a lot more of us out there with an interest than you
probably think. (And sorry fellas those particular girls are either spoken
for right now, or people I've lost touch with) But the point is, if you're
willing to wait for that kind of girl don't blow her off when she shows an
interest (it's a hard think for us to go out and learn on our own), but then
again don't talk her ear off, or watch Speedvision 24hrs a day ;) We are
out there! And we like our hair, but we look cute in baseball caps too!
----- Original Message -----
From Steven Fooshee <sfooshee at home.com>
Cc: Spridget List <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: 16 February, 2001 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: Selling the Sprite...
> Doug Ingram wrote:
> >
> > However, the truth is that these issues are critical in determining the
> > value of the relationship. I know I wouldn't want to have a partner who
> > couldn't as the very minimum tolerate my interests.
> >
> That's probably the wisest thing I've seen on this list. I dated a girl
> about a year (she got to be known as the PSR, an acronym I won't explain
> public :), and she complained about her hair every time I drove up in the
> Sprite. After showing her the way out I vowed not to bother with anyone
> doesn't "get it."
> --
> ~
> '90 GS-500E: $5 premium = 150 miles.
> MCMLXIX Sprite: $10 premium = 150 miles.
> '87 RX-7 TII: $25 premium = 150 miles. F^3, though! :)
> '87 RX-7 TII: Getting voted off the island.
> People who like math frighten me.
> ~